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Nat King Cole and the King Cole trio

Auteur(s)Cole, Nat King (1917-1965) ;King Cole trio

Titre(s)Nat King Cole and the King Cole trio / Nat King Cole.

Editeur(s)Savoy Jazz records, P 1989.

ContientJumpy jitters. - nothing ever happens to me. - sentimental blue. - what' chadone to my heart. - let's do things. - love me sooner. - there's no anesthetic for me. - dixie jamboree. - ta-de-ah. - riffin' a the barbecue. - black spider stomp. - I'm a perfect fool over you. - never mind, Baby. - lovely little person. - goin' to rtown with honey. - syncopated lullabye. - falling in and out of love. - by the river St Marie. - I like to riff. - on the sunny side ot the street. - black spider stomp. - I'm lost. - pitchin' up a boogie. - beautiful moons ago. - let's spring one.

Sujet(s)Piano : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325023630071Musique1 COL


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