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Jesus gave me water

Auteur(s)Soul Stirrers the ;Cooke, Sam

Titre(s)Jesus gave me water / The Soul Stirrers featuring Sam Cooke, Paul Forster and Julius Cheeks.

Editeur(s)Fantasy, P 1993.

Collection(s)(Speciality. Legends of gospel).

ContientJesus game me water. - Christ is all. - come, let us go back to God. - I'm on the firing line. - how far am I from Canaan?. - Jesus done just what he said. - he's my rock (wait on Jesus). - joy joy to my soul. - I'm gonna build on that shore. - until Jesus calls me home. - Jesus will lead me to that promised land. - It won't be very long. - let me go home. - someday somewhere. - Jesus paid the debt. - end of my journey. - he's my friend until the end. - I have a friend above all others. - I gave up everything to follow him. - come and go to that land. - I'm so happy in the service of the Lord. - any day now. - Jesus, I'll never forget. - all right now. - pray.

Sujet(s)Gospel : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonSAMATAN5054270071Musique1.2 SOU


Source : Wikipédia
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