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Sammy Price & the Blues Singers

Auteur(s)Price, Sammy ;Blues singers the

Titre(s)Sammy Price & the Blues Singers / Sammy Price.

Editeur(s)Wolf records, sd.

ContientCD 1 : Mr Freddie blues. - Gulf coast blues. - Moanin'dove. - new little girl, little girl. - do you duty. - low down dirty groundhog. - possum den blues. - take A. - a working man's blues. - the monkey swing. - my understanding man. - married woman blues. - good suzie. - death letter blues. - death cell blues. - rock me in the groove. - these low doqn men blues. - If I'm a fool. - I love to Georgia Brown so slow. - give it up daddy blues. - Sammy's Boogie. - Frenchy's blues. - working man. - CD 2 : Let me rock you home. - why don't you do right. - my mellow man. - knockin' myself out. - swing low sweet chariot. - go down, Moses. - make me love you. - fruit cakin'Mama. - try and get it. - I want a long time Daddy. - Mound Bayou. - Black Gal. - Thingking blues. - after hours. - the rain is falling. - papa Tree top blues. - president's blues. - my oh my. - raindrop blues. - CD 3 : Fire in the mountain. - when the red sun turns to gray I'll be back. - Jive lover. - possum den blues. - take B. - Jammin' in Georgia. - brown skin woman. - charity blues. - serenade to a Jitterburg. - the lowdown lonely blues. - black cat bone. - you're gonna go your way and i'm gonna go mine. - don't stop now. - deep sea diver. - gonna buy me a telephone. - Cannonball. - candy blues. - see see rider blues. - let's be friends. - love is such a mystery. - pretty mama blues. - hey little boy. - my heart belongs to you. - CD 4 :Uncle Sam come and get him. - If I didn't love you. - Machine gun blues. - Heartbroken blues. - skin and bones woman. - love me. - lonesome hut blues. - sunshine special. - Mississipi moan. - catchin' as catch man. - war rationin'Papa. - yump da da da. - fireman blues. - my nightmare jockey. - I have a way of lovin'. - song man. - hole in the wall. - good paree. - Montparnasse. - trouble blues. - another woman's man. - I'm a little piece of leather. - please Mr Blues. - ain't nobody buseness. - back street.


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