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Big bands 1930-1931. vol. 1

Auteur(s)Armstrong, Louis (1901-1971)

Titre(s)Big bands 1930-1931. vol. 1 / Louis Armstrong.

Editeur(s)JSP records, [1930].

ContientMy swet. - I can't believe that you're in love with me. - Indian cradle song. - exactly like you. - Dinah. - Tiger rag. - I'm a ding dong Daddy. - I'm in the Market for you. - confessin' (that I lvoe you). - If I could be with you one hour tonight. - body and soul. - memories of you. - you're Lucky to me. - sweethearts on parade. - you're drivin' me crazy. - the peanut vendor. - just a gigolo. - shine. - walkin' my baby home. - I surrender, dear. - when it's sleepy time down south.

Sujet(s)Trompette : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325021220071Musique1.3 ARM


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