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Alleluia !

Auteur(s)Haendel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759) ;Stokholm Kammerkören ;Harnoncourt, Nikolaus (1929-...) (dir) ;Schoenberg, Arnold ;Stockholms Bachkör ;Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatopernchor

Titre(s)Alleluia ! / George Frédéric Haendel ; N. Harnoncourt,dir.

Editeur(s)Teldec Classics International, P 1994.

ContientHallelujah (Messie). - Awake the trumpets's lofty sound (Samson). - All empires (Belshazzar). - Ritorni omai nel nostro core (J. César). - And the glory of the Lord (Messie). - And draw a blessing down (Théodora). - Gird on thy sword (Saul). - As from the pow'r (Ode pour le jour de la Sainte Cécile). - Let thir celestial concerts all unite (Samson). - When his loud voice in thunder spoke (Jephtha). - Oh love divine (Théodora). - Oh glorious prince (Belshazzar). - How excellent thy name, oh Lord (Saul). - let all the angels of God (Messie). - Ye house of Gilead (Jephtha). - Now strike the golden lyre (Alexander's feast). - Fix'd in his everlasting seat (Samson). - See from the post (Belshazzar. - Worthy is the lamb (Messie).

Sujet(s)Choeurs : Oratorio : XVIIIe siècle : Phonogramme

Indice(s)3 45

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CDEn rayonMD325048790071Musique3 HAE 45


Source : Wikipédia
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