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Skin in the game

Skin in the game

Auteur(s)Linx, David (1965-...) (Chanteur) ;Dolmen, Arnaud (Musicien) ;Jennings, Chris (Musicien) ;Privat, Grégory (1984-...) (Musicien)

Titre(s)Skin in the game [enr. sonore] / David Linx, chant ; Arnaud Dolmen, batt. ; Chris Jennings, cb. ; Grégory Privat, p.

ContientAzadi. - Here I can see. - Changed in every way. - Skin in the game. - Prophet birds. - Walkaway dreams. - On the other side of time. - Night wind. - To the end of an idea. - Troublemakers. - A fool's paradise.

NotesTextes des chansons.

Sujet(s)Jazz ** Belgique


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202009/0194397095029_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMAUVEZIN5260590071Musique1.39 LIN


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  • Azadi
  • Here I can see
  • Changed in every way
  • Skin in the game
  • Prophet birds

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