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Transangelic exodus

Transangelic exodus

Auteur(s)Furman, Ezra (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Transangelic exodus [enr. sonore] / Ezra Furman, comp. & chant.

Editeur(s)Bella Union, 2018.

ContientSuck the blood from my wound. - Driving down to L.A. - God lifts up the lowly. - No place. - The great unknown. - Compulsive liar. - Maraschino red dress S8.99 at goodwill. - From a beach house. - Love you so bad. - Come here get away from me. - Peel my orange every morning. - Psalm 151. - I lost my innocence.

NotesTextes des chansons.

Sujet(s)Rock ** Rock garage ** Etats-Unis


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201801/5414940004984_thumb.jpg

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CDPrêtéSEGOUFIELLE5248740071Musique2.6 FUR


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Suck the blood from my wound
  • Driving down to L.A.
  • God lifts up the lowly
  • No place
  • The great unknown
  • Suck the blood from my wound
  • Driving down to L.A.
  • God lifts up the lowly
  • No place
  • The great unknown

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