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Anthems for doomed youth

Anthems for doomed youth

Auteur(s)Libertines (The) (Musicien)

Titre(s)Anthems for doomed youth [enr. sonore] / Libertines (The), ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)Pays-Bas : Libertines Recodring, 2015.

ContientBarbarians. - Gunga din. - Fame and fortune. - Anthem for doomed youth. - You're my waterloo. - Belly of the beast. - Iceman. - Heart of the matter. - Fury of chonburi. - The milkman's horse. - Glasgow coma scale blues. - Dead for love. - Love on the dole. - Bucket shop. - Lust of the libertines. - 7 deadly sins. - Barbarians. - Gunga din. - Fame and fortune. - Anthem for doomed youth. - You're my waterloo. - Belly of the beast. - Iceman. - Heart of the matter. - Fury of chonburi. - The milkman's horse. - Glasgow coma scale blues. - Dead for love.

Résumé. Ce troisième album du groupe a été produit par Jake Gosling et enregistré aux Karma Sound Studios en Thaïlande.

NotesInrockuptibles No.1032 p.93 du 09/09/2015. 5/5. - Magic No.196 p.83 du 01/10/2015.

Sujet(s)Rock ** Pop ** Pop indie Pop ' indie ' Pop-rock (musique)


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201508/0602547462855_thumb.jpg;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201509/01-0602547462855.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201509/02-0602547462855.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201509/03-0602547462855.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201509/04-0602547462855.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201509/05-0602547462855.mp3

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325221780071Musique2.24 LIB
CDEn rayonSAINT-CLAR00370000046042Musique2 LIB
CDEn rayonMDC50196012 LIB 21


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Barbarians
  • Gunga din
  • Fame and fortune
  • Anthem for doomed youth
  • You're my waterloo
  • Barbarians
  • Gunga din
  • Fame and fortune
  • Anthem for doomed youth
  • You're my waterloo



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