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On a clear day

On a clear day

Auteur(s)Strong, Anthony (Musicien) (Musicien) ;Farmer, Tom (Musicien) ;Adamson, Billy (Musicien) ;Walsh, Tom (Musicien) ;Krom, Sebastian de (Musicien)

Titre(s)On a clear day [enr. sonore] / Anthony Strong, p. & chant ; Tom Farmer, cb. ; Billy Adamson, guit. ; Tom Walsh, trp... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Naïve, 2015.

ContientOn a clear day. - Whatever Lola wants. - As time goes by. - Nothing like you. - Unforgettable. - The more I see you. - Higher ground. - Baby plays around. - That kind of guy. - When I moves you. - Don't stop till you get enough. - Use me. - What is this thing called love ?. - The outgoing administration.

NotesFrance Info : Tendance jazz de mai 2015. 20/20.

Sujet(s)Swing, Jazz classique


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201505/3298496245112_thumb.jpg

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  • On a clear day
  • Whatever Lola wants
  • As time goes by
  • Nothing like you
  • Unforgettable
  • On a clear day
  • Whatever Lola wants
  • As time goes by
  • Nothing like you
  • Unforgettable

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