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Death by sexy...

Death by sexy...

Auteur(s)Eagles of Death Metal (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Death by sexy... [enr. sonore] / Eagles of Death Metal, ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)Downtown Music, 2006.

ContientI want you so hard (Boy's bad news). - I got a feelin (Just nineteen). - Cherry cola. - I like to move in the night. - Solid gold. - Don't speak (I came to make A BANG !). - Keep your head up. - The Ballad of Queen bee and baby duck. - Poor doggie. - Chase the devil. - Eagles goth. - Shasta beast. - Bag O' miracles. - Nasty notion. - I want you so hard (Boy's bad news). - I got a feelin (Just nineteen). - Cherry cola. - I like to move in the night. - Solid gold. - Don't speak (I came to make a BANG!). - Keep your head up. - The ballad of Queen Bee and Baby Duck. - Poor Doggie. - Chase the devil. - Eagles goth. - Shasta beast. - Bag o' miracles. - Nasty notion.

NotesTextes des chansons.

Sujet(s)Hard rock, métal et styles apparentés

Indice(s)2.60 ; 2.5

Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/200709/0828768734926_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMD325223470071Musique2.5 EAG
CDEn rayonMGA50137112 EAG 60


Source : Wikipédia
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  • I want you so hard (Boy's bad news)
  • I got a feelin (Just nineteen)
  • Cherry cola
  • I like to move in the night
  • Solid gold
  • I want you so hard (Boy's bad news)
  • I got a feelin (Just nineteen)
  • Cherry cola
  • I like to move in the night
  • Solid gold

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