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Auteur(s)Simone, Nina (1933-2003) (Interprète)

Titre(s)Tresors / Nina Simone.

Editeur(s)Sony music, 2012.

ContientDo I move you. - Day and night. - In the dark. - Real real. - My man's gone now. - Backlash blues. - I want a little sugar in my bowl. - Buck. - Since I fell for you. - The house of the rising sun. - Blue for mama. - If be's that way sometime. - The look of love. - Go to hell. - Love O'love. - Cherish. - I wish I knew how it would feel to be free. - Turn me on. - The turning point. - Some say. - Consummation. - In the morning. - Sunday in savannah. - Backlash blues. - Please read me. - Gin house blues. - Why ?. - Peace of mind. - Ain't got no. - I got life. - I loves you porgy. - Take my hand precious lord. - Do what you gotta do. - Seems I'm never tired lovin'you. - Nobody's fault but mine. - I think it's going to rain today. - Evryone's gone to the moon. - Compensation. - Who I am ?. - Another spring. - The human touch. - I get along without you very well. - The desperate ones.

Notes4 cd : Nina Simone sings the blues, Silk & soul, 'Nuff said! et Nina Simone and piano!.


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