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A Star is born

Auteur(s)Cooper, Bradley (1975-...) ;Lady Gaga (1986-...)

Titre(s)A Star is born : bande originale du film de Bradley Cooper / Bradley Cooper.

Editeur(s)Interscope Records, 2018.

ContientIntro / Anonyme. - Black eyes / Bradley Cooper. - Somewhere over the rainbow / Anonyme. - Fabulous french / Anonyme. - La vie en rose / Lady Gaga. - I'll wait for you / Anonyme. - Maybe it's time / Bradley Cooper. - Parking lot / Anonyme. - Out of time / Bradley Cooper. - Alibi / Bradley Cooper. - Trust me / Anonyme. - Shallow / Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper. - First stop, Arizona / Anonyme. - Music to my eyes / Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper. - Diggin' my grave / Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper. - I love you / Anonyme. - Always remember this way / Lady Gaga. - Unbelievable / Anonyme. - How do you hear it ? / Anonyme. - Look what I found / Lady Gaga. - Memphis / Anonyme. - Heal me / Lady Gaga. - I don't know what love is / Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper. - Vows / Anonyme. - Is that alright ? / Lady Gaga. - SNL / Lady Gaga. - Why did you do that ? / Lady Gaga. - Hair body face / Lady Gaga. - Scene 98 / Anonyme. - Before I cry / Lady Gaga. - Too far gone / Bradley Cooper. - Twelve notes / Lady Gaga. - I'll never love again (Film version) / Lady Gaga. - I'll never love again (Extended version) / Lady Gaga.

Sujet(s)Bande originale de film


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CDEn rayonMD325254790071Musique6.1 STA
CDEn rayonVIC-FEZENSAC00462000103624Musique6.1 STA
CDEn rayonMDC5021340520 STA


Source : Wikipédia
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