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Audrey Hepburn

Auteur(s)Hepburn, Audrey ;Tiomkin, Dimitri ;Nixon, Marni ;Villa-Lobos, Heitor ;Kaper, Bronislaw ;Hollander, Frederick ;North, Alex ;Mancini, Henry ;Malneck, Matty ;Waxman, Franz ;Rota, Nino (1911-1979) ;Auric, Georges ;Thompson, Kay ;Astaire, Fred

Titre(s)Audrey Hepburn : a touch of music / Audrey Hepburn.

Editeur(s)Milan Music, 2017.

ContientMoon river (Breakfast at Tiffany's) / Audrey Hepburn. - Overture/Funny face/S' wonderful/Tink pink (Funny face) / Fred Astaire / Kay Thompson. - Bonjour Paris ! (Funny face) / Fred Astaire / Audrey Hepburn. - S' wonderful (Funny face) / Fred Astaire / Audrey Hepburn. - Roman holiday (Main title) (Roman holiday) / Georges Auric. - Prelude (War and peace) / Nino Rota. - War and peace (Natasha's waltz) (War and peace) / Nino Rota. - Winter and remembrance of Andrei (War and peace) / Nino Rota. - Love in the afternoon (Love in the afternoon) / Franz Waxman / Matty Malneck. - Hot paprika (Love in the afternoon) / Franz Waxman / Matty Malneck. - Fascination (Love in the afternoon) / Franz Waxman / Matty Malneck. - Green mansions (Main title/Chase/River boat) (Green mansions) / Bronislaw Kaper / Heitor Villa-Lobos. - Green mansions (End title) (Green mansions) / Marni Nixon. - Prelude and credo (The nun's story) / Franz Waxman. - Haircutting & Gran coro (The nun's story) / Franz Waxman. - The unforgiven (Prologue) (The unforgiven) / Dimitri Tiomkin. - The unforgiven (Main title) (The unforgiven) / Dimitri Tiomkin. - Breakfast at Tiffany's (Breakfast at Tiffany's) / Henry Mancini. - Moon river (Breakfast at Tiffany's) / Henry Mancini. - Moon river cha cha (Breakfast at Tiffany's) / Henry Mancini. - The children's hour (Main title) (The children's hour) / Alex North. - Proposal (The children's hour) / Alex North. - Sabrina (Main title) (Sabrina) / Frederick Hollander. - La vie en rose (Sabrina) / Audrey Hepburn.

RésuméCette compilation exemplaire autour de l'univers d'Audrey Hepburn reprend les musiques de ses films les plus emblématiques : Diamants sur canapé, Drôle de frimousse, Vacances romaines. sur des compositions de Gershwin, Nino Rota, Henry Mancini, Dimitri Tiomkin, Alex North, Franz Waxman.


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