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Harmonica blues, vol. 2

Auteur(s)Williamson, Sonny Boy (1914 - 1948) ;Pryor, Snooky ;Gillum, William "Jazz" ;Forest City Joe ;Williamson, Sonny Boy (1899 - 1965) ;Doctor Ross ;Horton, Walter ;Edwards, Frank ;Douglas, K.C ;Maiden, Sidney ;Horton, J. D ;Wilson, Elder R ;Brazos, Billy ;Hugues, Pee Wee ;Kelly, Sam ;Hill Louis, Joe ;Lewis, Pete Guitar ;Drifting Slim ;Little Walter ;Davis, Little Sammy (chant, harmonica) ;Terry, Sonny ;Howlin'Wolf ;Lightfoot, Papa ;Johnson, Sonny Boy ;Mitchell, Walter ;Richard, Robert ;Brim, Grace ;Little Milton (Harmonica) ;Blair, Sunny ;Rhythm Willie ;Burns, Eddie ;Saunders, Charles ;James, Elmore ;Ware, Leonard ;Galatin, Wiley ;Lacey, Willie ;Davis, Blind John ;Knowling, Ransom ;Foster, Leroy ;Jones, Moody ;Franklin, Guitar Pete ;Riley, Lawrence "Judge" ;Broonzy, Big Bill ;Dixon, Willie ;Call, Bob ;Cole, J.C ;Wilkins, Joe Willie ;Love, Willie ;Martin, Reuben ;Weaver, Curley ;Wilson, Clyde ;Wilson, Sammy Lee ;Green, L.C ;Bivens, Cliff ;Washington, George ;Henry, Walter ;Williams, Devonia ;Delagarde, Mario ;Bell, Leard ;Turner, Baby Face ;Brooks, Junior ;Russell, Bill ;Myers, Louis ;Myers, Dave ;Below, Fred ;Hooker, Earl ;McGhee, Brownie ;Bagby, Doc ;Harris, James ;Turner, Ike ;Johnson, Willie (1923 - 1995) ;Steel, Willie ;Van Streeter, James ;Ford, Fred ;Winston, Albert ;Ridgley, Tommy ;Johnson, Paul Guitare Red ;Cooks, Sylvester ;Scott, Beverly ;Mc Clay, Ernest ;Moore, Dig ;Boogie Woogie Red ;Brim, John ;Sunnyland Slim ;White, Eddie ;Memphis Slim ;Atkins, Alex ;Overton, Timothy ;Elkins, Alfred ;Hopper, Leon ;Smith, Chuck ;Brown, Percy Lee ;Washboard Willie

Titre(s)Harmonica blues, vol. 2 : 1946 - 1952 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associés, 2003.

ContientCD 1 : Hoodoo hoodoo / John Lee "Sonny Boy" Williamson. - Boogy fool / Snooky Pryor. - Take one more chance with me / Jazz Gillum. - Mellow chick swing / John Lee "Sonny Boy" Williamson. - A woman on every street / Forest City Joe. - Pontiac blues / Sonny Boy Williamson [Rice Miller]. - My bebop gal / Doctor Ross. - Little boy blue / Big Walter Horton. - Love my baby / Frank Edwards. - Mercury boogie / K.C. Douglas / Sidney Maiden. - Cadillac blues / J.D. Horton. - Better get ready / Elder R. Wilson. - Brazos blues / Billy Brazos. - Santa Fe blues / Pee Wee Hugues. - Rambling around my blues / Sam Kelly. - Walkin' talkin' blues / Joe Hill Louis. - Now tell me baby / Big Walter Horton. - Mr Downchild / Sonny Boy Williamson [Rice Miller]. - CD 2 : Harmonica boogie / Pete Lewis. - Down south blues / Drifting Slim. - Blue midnight / Little Walter. - Going to New Orleans / Little Sam Davis. - Harmonica rhumba / Sonny Terry. - Riding in the moonlight / Howlin' Wolf. - Scratchin' / Pete Lewis. - Baby, let's have some fun / Sonny Terry. - The honeydripper / Papa Lightfoot. - Come home and go with me / Sonny Boy Johnson. - Stop mess around / Walter Mitchell / Robert Richard. - Jumpin' with Jarvis / Papa Lightfoot. - Man around my door / Grace Brim. - Little Milton's boogie / Little Milton. - Five foot three / Sunny Blair. - Wailin' Willie / Rhythm Willie. - Hello Miss Jessie Lee / Eddie Burns. - Sad hours / Little Walter.

Sujet(s)Blues (musique) Harmonica (musique)


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