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The greatest blues shouters, 1944 - 1955

http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/200701/3561302516622_thumb.jpgGAM CD

Auteur(s)Rushing, Jimmy ;Harris, Wynonie ;Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" ;Witherspoon, Jimmy ;Parker, Sonny ;Bradshaw, Tiny ;Jordan, Louis ;Ferguson, H-Bomb ;Mack, Eddie ;Brown, Piney ;Brown, Roy ;Lewis, Smiley ;Turner, Big Joe

Titre(s)The greatest blues shouters, 1944 - 1955 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associés, 2007.

ContientCD 1 : Feeling so sad / Big Joe Turner. - Still in the dark / Big Joe Turner. - Poor lover's blues / Big Joe Turner. - T.V. Mama / Big Joe Turner. - Shake rattle and roll / Big Joe Turner. - Jimmy's blues / Jimmy Rushing. - Somebody's spoiling these women / Jimmy Rushing. - Goin' to Chicago blues / Jimmy Rushing. - Boogie woogie (I may be wrong) / Jimmy Rushing. - Everyday I have the blues / Jimmy Rushing. - Here comes the blues / Wynonie Harris. - In the evening / Wynonie Harris. - Good rockin' tonight / Wynonie Harris. - Bloodshot eyes / Wynonie Harris. - Night train / Wynonie Harris. - Goin' home / Big Joe Turner / Wynonie Harris. - Somebody's got to go / Eddie Vinson. - Juice head baby / Eddie Vinson. - Cherry red blues / Eddie Vinson. - My big brass bed is gone / Eddie Vinson. - CD 2 : Spoon calls hootie / Jimmy Witherspoon. - Blues in trouble / Jimmy Witherspoon. - Two little girls / Jimmy Witherspoon. - Jay's blues / Jimmy Witherspoon. - Sad feeling / Sonny Parker. - Pretty baby / Sonny Parker. - Helpless / Sonny Parker. - She set my soul on fire / Sonny Parker. - Worried life blues / Sonny Parker. - The Blues came pouring down / Tiny Bradshaw. - T-99 / Tiny Bradshaw. - The Train kept-a-rollin' / Tiny Bradshaw. - Let the good time roll / Louis Jordan. - Give it up / H-Bomb Ferguson. - You made me baby / H-Bomb Ferguson. - Mercenary Papa / Eddie Mack. - Heart throbbing blues / Eddie Mack. - How about rocking with me / Piney Brown. - Dreaming blues / Roy Brown. - Lowdown / Smiley Lewis.

Sujet(s)Blues (musique)


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/200701/3561302516622_thumb.jpg

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