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Electro swing VI

Auteur(s)Bart & Baker ;Savages y Suefo ;ADSS ;Sanchez, Diego ;Francis, Alice ;Swing Republic ;Dimie Cat ;Philou ;Dirty Honkers ;Bradlee, Scott ;Post Modern Jukebox ;Lyre Le Temps ;Le Klischée ;Kosh, Emmanuel ;La Rochelle Band ;The Josephine Baker Allstars ;Rochelle, Nicolle ;Kitten & The Hip ;Stranger Danger ;Subdivide ;Jewdyssee ;The Segment ;Parov Stelar Trio ;Tape Five ;Smokey Joe & The Kid ;Mc Mash Clan ;Mullins, Kate

Titre(s)Electro swing VI : mixed by Bart & Baker / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Wagram music, 2013.

ContientBallroom breakers [Dunkelbunt remix] / Savages y Suefo. - Swing mood [Castaman edit mix] / ADSS. - Ritz [Freddy Gonzales remix] / Diego Sanchez. - Gangsterlove [Sound Nomaden remix] / Alice Francis. - Crazy in love / Swing Republic. - Ping pong [Bart & Baker remix] / Dimie Cat. - Baby don't you cry [Skeewiff remix] / Bart & Baker / Philou. - Oh doctor ! / Dirty Honkers. - Thrift shop [Bart & Baker electro swing club remix] / Scott Bradlee / Post Modern Jukebox. - Looking like this / Lyre Le Temps. - Tin tin / Le Klischée. - Make my music / Emmanuel Kosh. - Burning in my soul [Umami & Alle Farben remix] / La Rochelle Band. - La petite tonkinoise [DJ Mibor remix] / The Josephine Baker Allstars / Nicolle Rochelle. - Shut up and dance [Tavo remix] / Kitten & The Hip. - Thug swinga / Stranger Danger. - Scruffy / Subdivide. - Cabaret / Jewdyssee. - Doing the jive [Bart & Baker remix] / The Segment. - La calatrava / Parov Stelar Trio. - Swing you winners / Bart & Baker / Tape Five. - Evening / Smokey Joe & The Kid. - Swing break / Mc Mash Clan / Kate Mullins.

Sujet(s)Musique électronique


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