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You don't know

Auteur(s)Poirier, Ghislain ;Roots Manuva ;Bonobo ;Daedelus ;Face-T ;Bajka ;Mr Scruff ;Quantic ;Pop Levi ;The Herbaliser ;Spank Rock ;Zero db ;The Heavy ;Diplo ;King Geedorah ;Fink ;The Cinematic Orchestra ;Tobin, Amon ;Matthias, John ;Wiley ;Hexstatic ;The Qemists ;NMS ;Ladd, Mike ;Airborn Audio ;Max & Harvey ;Clouddead ;The Bug ;Coldcut ;Pest ;TTC ;The Death Set ;Yppah ;Sixtoo ;Kid Koala ;Two Fingers ;DJ Kentaro ;Ty ;Ammoncontact ;One Self ;Super Numeri ;Loka ;The Long Lost ;Fog ;Blockhead ;Jaga Jazzist ;Bigg Jus

Titre(s)You don't know / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Ninja Tune, 2008.

ContientCD 1 YOU : Blazin ft. Face-T [Modeselektor remix] / Ghislain Poirier. - Seat yourself Ft. Ricky Ranking / Roots Manuva. - Nightlite ft. Bajka (Zero db reconstruction) / Bonobo. - Fair weather friends / Daedelus. - Donkey ride / Mr Scruff / Quantic. - Dita dimoné / Pop Levi. - Gadget funk / The Herbaliser. - Bump (Switch remix) / Spank Rock. - Know what I'm sayin' ft. Pase Rock / Zero DB. - Coleen / The Heavy. - Epistemology suite 1 : Don't fall / Diplo. - Next levels / King Geedorah. - Pretty little thing / Fink. - To build a home [radio version] / The Cinematic Orchestra. - Bloodstone / Amon Tobin. - Evermore / John Matthias. - CD 2 DON'T : Chin high [Manuvadelics version] / Roots Manuva. - No qualms [Re-Vox ft. Chipmunk, JME & Skepta] / Wiley. - Distorted minds ft. Juice Aleem [Zero DB remix] / Hexstatic. - Drop audio ft. ID / The Qemists. - Brave new world / NMS. - Blah blah / Mike Ladd. - Inside the globe / Airborn Audio. - Thieves / Max & Harvey. - Physics of a unicycle / Clouddead. - Poison dart ft. Warrior Queen / The Bug. - Just for the kick [original version] / Coldcut. - Walk a mile in my shoes [Tiga mix] / Coldcut. - Pat pong [Solid Groove mix] / Pest. - Travailler [Orgasmic remix] / TTC. - Around the world / The Death Set. - Again with the subtitles / Yppah. - CD 3 KNOW : Atomic moog [The Qemists remix] / Coldcut. - Jackals and vipers in envy of man, part 9 / Sixtoo. - Slew test 2 / Kid Koala. - Have it like that ft. Durrty Goodz / Two Fingers. - Diaspora / Ghislain Poirier. - Free ft. Pank Rock [Armani Xxxchange remix] / DJ Kentaro. - Wait a minute [Dwele remix] / Ty. - Beautiful flowers / Ammoncontact. - Fear the labour / One Self. - The chart / Super Numeri. - Beginningless / Loka. - Hatoa ft. Andreya Triana / Bonobo. - The art of kissing / The Long Lost. - Melted crayons / Fog. - Sunday séance / Blockhead. - Swedenborgske rom / Jaga. - Say goodbye / Bigg Jus.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique) Trip-hop (musique) Musique électronique Drum'n'bass (musique)

Indice(s)2.80 ; 2.86 ; 2.81 ; 2.88 ; 2.91

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