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21 years from stage to stage...

Auteur(s)Dervish ;Jordan, Cathy (Percussions) ;Kelly, Liam (Flûtes) ;Mitchell, Shane (Accordeons) ;Morrow, Tom (Violon) ;Holmes, Michael ;Mc Donagh, Brian (Guitare) (Mandoline) ;Marshall, Mike (Mandoline) ;Väsen ;Hayes, Martin (Violon)

Titre(s)21 years from stage to stage... / Dervish.

ContientCD SEBASTOPOL CONCERT : The swallow's tail. - Intro. - Lord Levett. - The bealtine set. - The masters return. - Intro. - I courted a wee girl / Wasen. - Josefin's waltz / Wasen / Marshall Mike. - Intro. - Slangpolka efter byss-calle / Wasen / Marshall Mike / Cahill Dennis / Hayes Martin. - The coolea jigs. - The cat she went a hunting. - Intro. - Rhe boots of spanish leather. - Intro. - John's blessing. - Intro. - Red haired Mary. - Intro. - Gold in them hills / Sexsmith Ron / Special Duke. - Intro. - Apples in winter. - DVD : Footage recorded at the RTE TV studios, Dannybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Sujet(s)Irlande (musique)


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