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For the ghosts within'

Auteur(s)Wyatt, Robert (Interprète) ;Atzmon, Gilad (Saxophones) (Clarinette) (Flûtes) ;Stephen, Ros (Violon) ;The Sigamos String Quartet ;Piggot-Smith, Tom (Violon) ;Robson, Rachel (Violes) ;Vatalaro, Daisy (Violoncelle) ;Pryce, Richard (Contrebasse)

Titre(s)For the ghosts within' / Wyatt Robert.

Editeur(s)Domino Recording Co. Ltd, 2010.

ContientLaura. - Lullaby for Irena. - The ghosts within. - Where are they now ?. - Maryan. - Round midnight. - Lush life. - What's new ?. - In a sentimental mood. - At last I am free. - What a wonderful world.

Sujet(s)Open jazz (musique)


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