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Around Tu Shung Peng

Auteur(s)Tu Shung Peng ;Boothe, Ken ;Ras Daniel Ray ;Ganja Tree ;Difanga ;Lone Ranger ;Jah Marcus ;Pancho, Al ;Jahko Lion ;Hinds, Justin

Titre(s)Around Tu Shung Peng / Tu Shung Peng.

Editeur(s)Makasound, 2008.

ContientShow me that love / Boothe Ken. - Man of the moutain / Ras Daniel Ray. - World cry / Ganja Tree. - Open your heart / Ganja Tree. - Jah live / Difanga. - Healing of the nation / Lone Ranger. - Funky Maziere (instrumental). - Give Jah praise / Jah Marcus. - No power to the wicked man / Pancho Al. - Suffring line / Ganja Tree. - Can you be my princess / Ras Daniel Ray. - Princess dub (Fabwise mix'). - Don't give it up / Jahko Lion. - Tu Shung Peng interlude. - My love is like a burning fire / Hinds Justin.

Sujet(s)Dub (Musique) Reggae (musique)


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