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American folk blues festival 1980

Auteur(s)Louisiana Red (Guitare) ;Mabon, Willi (Pianos) ;Sumlin, Hubert (Guitare électrique) ;Taylor, Eddie (Guitare électrique) ;Stroger, Robert (Guitare basse) ;Payne, Odie (Batterie) ;Lucky (Guitare) ;Flash ;Washboard Doc (Percussions) ;Davis, Eunice ;Sunnyland Slim (Pianos) ;Bell, Carey (Harmonica) ;Louisiana Red (Guitare électrique)

Titre(s)American folk blues festival 1980 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Bellaphon, 2002.

ContientPretty women. - I wonder who. - Lonesome train / Louisiana Red. - Mabon's boogie. - I don't know / Willi Mabon / Hubert Sumlin / Eddie Taylor / Robert Stroger / Odie Payne. - Shake, rattle and roll / Lucky / Flash / Washboard Doc / Louisiana Red. - Rock little daddy / Eunice Davis / Sunnyland Slim. - Flip, flop, and fly / Washboard Doc / Lucky / Flash / Louisiana Red. - Gamblin' woman. - I got a little thing they call it swing / Hubert Sumlin / Eddie Taylor / Carey bell. - One day I get lucky. - Nineteen years old. - What my mama told me / Carey Bell / Hubert Sumlin / Eddie Taylor / Robert Stroger / Odie Payne. - Everytime I get to drinking / Sunnyland Slim / Carey Bell / Hubert Sumlin / Eddie Taylor / Robert Stroger / Odie Payne. - Sunnyland's New Orleans boogie / Sunnyland Slim / Hubert Sumlin / Eddie Taylor / Carey Bell / Robert Stroger / Odie Payne. - Dust my broom. - There'll be a day / Eddie Taylor. - Labour blues / Louisiana Red / Hubert Sumlin / Carey Bell / Sunnyland Slim / Robert Stroger / Odie Payne.

Sujet(s)Blues (musique)


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