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Broadway the hard way

Auteur(s)Zappa, Frank (Guitare) ;Fowler, Walt (Trompette) ;Willis, Ike (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Keneally, Mike (Synthétiseur) ;Martin, Bobby (Accordeons) (Claviers) ;Mann, Ed (Percussions) ;Fowler, Bruce (Trombone) ;Carman, Paul (Saxophones) ;Wing, Albert (Saxophones) ;Mc Gettrick, Kurt (Saxophones) ;Thunes, Scott (Guitare basse) ;Wackerman, Chad (Batterie) ;Buxton, Eric

Titre(s)Broadway the hard way / Zappa Frank ; Fowler Walt ; Willis Ike ; Keneally Mike ; Martin Bobby ; Mann Ed ; Fowler Bruce ; Carman Paul ; Wing Albert ; Mc Gettrick Kurt ; Thunes Scott ; Wackerman Chad ; Buxton Eric.

Editeur(s)Rykodisc, 1988.

ContientElvis has just left the building. - Planet of the baritone women. - Any kind of pain. - Dickie's such an asshole. - When the lie's so big. - Rhymin' man. - Promiscuous. - The untouchables. - Why don't you like me ?. - Bacon fat. - Stolen moments. - Murder by numbers. - Jezebel boy. - Outside now. - Hot plate heaven at the green hotel. - What kind of girl ?. - Jesus thinks you're a jerk.


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