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A place called Jamaica, vol.1 : Derrick Harriott's productions from 60's & 70's

Auteur(s)Harriott, Derrick ;Murvin, Junior ;Andy, Horace ;Roman & Dave ;Robinson, Dave ;Keith & Tex ;Scotty ;Mills, Rudy ;Big Youth ;Brown, Dennis ;Sixteen, Earl ;McAnuff, Winston ;The Chosen Few ;Pablo, Augustus

Titre(s)A place called Jamaica, vol.1 : Derrick Harriott's productions from 60's & 70's / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Makasound, 2005.

ContientMessage from a blackman / Harriott Derrick. - Rescue the children / Murvin Junior. - Lonely woman / Andy Horace. - Changing times / Roman & Dave. - Native woman / Robinson Dave. - Stop that train / Keith & Tex. - I worry / Scotty. - A place called Happyness / Mills Rudy. - Cool breeze / Big Youth. - Lips of wine / Brown Dennis. - Malcolm X / Sixteen Earl. - Ugly days / McAnuff Winston. - Dreadlocks unite / Sixteen Earl. - Shaft / The Chosen Few. - The loser / Harriott Derrick. - Sesame street / Scotty / Harriott Derrick. - Bells of death / Pablo Augustus / Harriott Derrick. - This is my song / Keith & Tex.

Sujet(s)Reggae (musique)


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