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The ultimate collection

Auteur(s)Cray, Robert (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Collins, Albert (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Copeland, Johnny (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Berry, Chuck (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;King, B.B (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Copeland, Shemekia

Titre(s)The ultimate collection / Cray Robert.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 2004.

ContientCD 1 : Who's been talking ?. - I'm gonna forget about you. - When the Welfare turns its back on you. - Phone booth. - Got to make a comeback. - So many women so little time. - Playin' in the dirt. - I've slipped her mind. - False accusations. - Right next door (Because of me). - Smoking gun. - I guess I showed her. - I wonder. - Nothin' but a woman. - Don't be afraid of the dark. - Don't you even care. - Acting this way. - The forecast (Calls for pain). - CD 2 : The things you do to me. - Bouncin' back. - I was warned. - He don't live here anymore. - Our last time. - You're gonna need me. - 1040 blues. - Passing by. - I shiver. - Moan. - Steppin' out. - Jealous love. - Never mattered much. - Trick or treat. - I can't quit. - Nothing against you. - CD 3 : The dream / Collins Albert. - T-Bone shuffle / Collins Albert / Copeland Johnny. - Brown eyed handsome man (live) / Berry Chuck. - Playin' with my friends / King B.B. - Love struck baby (live). - I pity the fool (live) / Copeland Shemekia.

Sujet(s)Blues rock (musique)


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