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Rock solid : the essential collection

Auteur(s)Travers, Pat (Auteur d'un dialogue)

Titre(s)Rock solid : the essential collection / Travers Pat.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 2004.

ContientCD 1 : Makes no difference. - Hot Rod Lincoln. - Magnolia. - Makin' magic. - Rock'n'roll Susie. - You don't love me. - Stevie (feat. Glenn Hughes). - Statesboro blues. - Hooked on music. - Life in London. - Gettin' betta. - It ain't what it seems. - Lovin' you. - Heat in the street. - Go all night. - Evie. - CD 2 : Crash and burn. - Your love can't be right. - The big event. - Snortin' whiskey. - New age music. - My life is on the line. - I can love you. - I la la la love you. - I'd rather see you dead. - Stand up. - I gotta fight. - Killer. - Louise. - Women on the edge of love. - In the heat of the night. - Boom boom (Out go the lights).

Sujet(s)Blues rock (musique) Hard rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.51 ; 2.33

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