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Evertyhing I own : the best of

Auteur(s)Boothe, Ken

Titre(s)Evertyhing I own : the best of / Boothe Ken.

Editeur(s)Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., 2003.

ContientEverything I own. - Artibella. - (That's the way) Nature planned it. - Freedom street. - Ain't no sunshine. - Say you. - Love don't love nobody. - Old fashioned way. - Is it because I'm black. - Now I know. - Freedom day. - Speak softly love (Theme from "The Godfather" = "Le parrain"). - You're no good. - Black gold and green. - It's gonna take a miracle. - Let's get it on. - Lady with the starlight. - Let go. - I'm not for sale. - (You're) Leaving me. - Why baby why. - Out of love (Aka "The one that love forgot"). - Silver words. - Can't you see. - Crying over you.

Sujet(s)Reggae (musique)


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