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Pump up the volume, vol.2

Auteur(s)S-Express ;Snap ;Technotronic ;East Side Beat ;Double You ;Incognito ;Deee-Lite ;Bomb The Bass ;C&C Music Factory ;Corona ;Mantronix ;Nomad ;Hithouse ;Inner City ;Rozalla ;DNA ;Waters, Crystal ;Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam

Titre(s)Pump up the volume, vol.2 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 2001.

ContientTheme from... / S-Express. - The power / Snap. - Pump up the jam / Technotronic. - Ride like the wind / East Side Beat. - Please don't go / Double You. - Always there / Incognito. - Groove is in the heart / Deee-Lite. - Beat dis / Bomb The Bass. - Gonna make you sweat [Everybody dance now] / C&C Music Factory. - The rhythm of the night / Corona. - Got to have your love / Mantronix. - (I wanna give you) Devotion / Nomad. - Jack to the sound of the underground / Hithouse. - Let the beat hit'em / Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam. - Big fun / Inner City. - Everybody's free (To feel good) / Rozalla. - Tom's diner / DNA. - Gypsy woman / Waters Crystal.

Sujet(s)Musique électronique House (musique)


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