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For the stars

Auteur(s)Otter, Anne Sofie von (1955-...) ;Costello, Elvis

Titre(s)For the stars / Otter Anne Sofie von ; Costello Elvis.

Editeur(s)HAMBURG 36 : Deutsche Grammophon Gmbh, 2001.

ContientNo wonder. - Baby plays around. - Go leave. - Rope. - Don't talk (put your head on my shoulder). - Broken bicycles/Junk. - The other woman. - Like an angel passing through my room. - Green song. - April after all. - You still believe in me. - I want to vanish. - For no one. - Shamed into love. - Just a curio. - This house is empty now. - Take it witch me. - For the stars.


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CDEn rayonMGA50089172 OTE 20


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