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Through the looking glass

Auteur(s)Toto ;Paich, David (Claviers) ;Lukather, Steve (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Porcaro, Mike (Guitare basse) ;Phillips, Simon (Batterie) ;Kimball, Bobby ;Castro, Lenny (Percussions) ;Fields, Brandon (Saxophones) ;Fowler, Walt (Trompette) ;Hall, Ellis

Titre(s)Through the looking glass / Toto.

Editeur(s)Emi Music, 2002.

ContientCould you be loved / Castro Lenny / Irie Tippa. - Bodhisattva. - While my guitar gently weeps / Castro Lenny. - I can't get next to you / Fields Brandon / Fowler Walt. - Living for the city / Hall Ellis. - Maiden voyage / Butterfly / Castro Lenny / Fowler Walt. - Burn down the mission / Castro Lenny. - Sunshine of your love. - House of the rising sun (traditionnel). - Watching the detectives / Castro Lenny. - It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry.

Sujet(s)Pop-rock (musique)


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