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Les géants du jazz Vol.3 cd 3

Auteur(s)Cole, Nat "King" ;Herman, Woody ;Hampton, Lionel ;Bellson, Louie ;Parker, Charlie ;Shorter, Wayne ;Harris, Eddie ;Monk, Thelonious ;Adderley, Cannonball ;Armstrong, Louis ;Lee, Peggy

Titre(s)Les géants du jazz Vol.3 cd 3 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Da music.

Collection(s)(Les géants du jazz).

ContientOn the sunny side of the street / Cole Nat "King". - Lullaby of birdland / Herman Woody. - They say that love is wonderful / Hampton Lionel. - Prelude / Bellson Louie. - Scrapple from the apple / Parker Charlie. - Devil's island / Shorter Wayne. - Green dolphin street / Harris Eddie. - I mean you / Monk Thelonious. - I got rythm / Adderley Cannonball. - Way down yonder in New-Orleans / Armstrong Louis. - Why don't you do right ? / Lee Peggy.


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