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An American Christmas

Auteur(s)Cohen, Joel ;Jodry, Frederick ;Boston Camerata ;Schola Cantorum of Oxford ;Brown University, Chamber chorus

Titre(s)An American Christmas / Cohen Joel ; Jodry Frederick ; Boston Camerata ; Schola Cantorum of Oxford ; Brown University Chamber chorus.

Editeur(s)WEA Records, 1993.

ContientFulfilment. - Hush my babe, lie still and slumber. - Jesus the light of the world. - Joy to the Lord. - Lovely vine. - Adeste Fideles. - Still water. - While shepherds watched. - Sherburne. - Shepherds rejoice. - Wayfaring stranger. - Slow traveller. - I wonder as I wander. - Lullay thou tiny little child. - The Heavenly courtier. - Pretty home. - The Midnight cry. - A Christmas hymn. - A Virgin most pure - A Virgin unspotted. - Boston. - Watchmann of Zion. - Kingsbridge. - Bozrah. - Baptsimal anthem.

Sujet(s)Romantisme : musique


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