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Genesis and the opening of the way

Auteur(s)Coleman, Steve (Saxophones) ;The Council of Balance (Ens. instrumental) ;Osby, Greg (Saxophones) ;Coltrane, Ravi (Saxophones) (Saxophones) ;Stewart, Aaron (Saxophones) ;Terry, Yosvany (Saxophones) ;Tardy, Greg (Saxophones) ;Alessi, Ralph (Trompette) ;Endsley, Shane (Trompette) ;Isles, Nabate (Trompette) ;Lewis, George (Trombone) ;Albright, Tim (Trombone) ;Roseman, Josh (Trombone) ;Atkins, André (Trombone) ;Haynes, Jamal (Trombone) ;Gilmore, David (Guitare électrique) ;Milne, Andy (Pianos) ;Iyer, Vijay (Claviers) ;Davis, Kenny (Guitare basse) ;Washington, Reggie (Guitare basse) ;Rickman, Sean (Batterie) ;Lake, Gene (Batterie) ;The Five Elements (Ens. instrumental) ;Dyson, David (Guitare basse) ;Diaz Zayas, Miguel "Anga" (Percussions)

Titre(s)Genesis and the opening of the way / Coleman Steve.

Editeur(s)BMG Records, 1997.

ContientCD 1 GENESIS [avec The Council Of Balance] : Day one. - Day two. - Day three. - Day four. - Day five. - Day six. - Day seven. - Awareness. - CD 2 THE OPENING OF THE WAY [avec Five Elements] : Law of balance. - Pi. - First cause. - Wheel of nature. - Rite of passage. - Regeneration. - Organic movement. - The law. - Fortitude and chaos. - Seti I. - Polar shift. - Third dynasty.

Sujet(s)Big band (musique) Jazz fusion (musique)


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