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The very best of Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66

Auteur(s)Mendes, Sergio

Titre(s)The very best of Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 / Mendes Sergio.

Editeur(s)Antony : Polygram, 1997.

ContientMas que nada. - So many stars. - Viola. - With a little help from my friends. - Wichita lineman. - Batucada (The beat). - Dois dias. - Easy to be hard. - Roda. - Some time ago. - Masquerade. - The fool on the hill. - You stepped out of the dream. - Moanin'. - Salt sea. - For me. - Stillness. - Cinnamon and Clove. - Going out of my head. - Look who's mine. - Like a lover. - Ye-me-le. - Day tripper. - Viramundo. - Wave. - What the world needs now. - For what it's worth. - Where are you coming from ?. - Chelsea morning. - Lost in Paradise. - The Joker. - Night and day. - Scarborough fair/Canticle. - Tim-Dom-Dom. - Pretty world. - Righteous life. - The look of love. - One note samba/Spanish flea. - Agua de beber. - Cançao do nosso amor. - Empty faces. - Triste. - Norwegian wood. - Bim-Bom. - So danço samba. - Sometimes in winter. - Constant rain (Chove Chuva). - Pradizer adeus (To say goodbye).

Sujet(s)Brésil (musique)


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