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Auteur(s)Trombone Shorty (Trombone) ;Trombone Shorty ;Murano, Pete (Guitare électrique) ;Ballard, Mike (Guitare basse) ;Peebles, Joey (Batterie) ;Williams, Dwayne (Percussions) ;Oestreicher, Dan (Saxophones) ;Slaughter, Clarence (Saxophones)

Titre(s)Backatown / Trombone Shorty.

Editeur(s)Paris : Universal Music France S.a, 2010.

ContientHurricane season. - On your way down. - Quiet as kept. - Something beautiful. - Backatown. - Right to complain. - Neph. - Suburbia. - In the 6th. - One night only. - Where y' at. - Fallin'. - Cure (The). - 928 horn jam. - Hurricane season. - On your way down / Allen Toussaint. - Quiet as kept. - Something beautiful / Lenny Kravitz. - Backatown. - Right to complain / Marc Broussard. - Neph. - Suburbia. - In the 6th. - One night only (The march). - Where y' at. - Fallin'. - The cure. - 928 horn jam.

Sujet(s)Jazz Funk (musique) Trombone (musique)

Indice(s)2.90 ; 2.94 ; 1.41

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CDEn rayonSAMATAN5198990071Musique1.4 TRO
CDEn rayonMGA50170602 TRO 90


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