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Heaven and earth

Heaven and earth

Auteur(s)Washington, Kamasi (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Heaven and earth [enr. sonore] / Kamasi Washington.

ContientFists of fury. - Can you hear him. - Hub-tones. - Connections. - Tiffakonkae. - The invincible youth. - Testify. - One of one. - The space travelers lullaby. - Vi lua vi sol. - Street fighter mas. - Song for the fallen. - Journey. - The psalmnist. - Show us the way. - Will you sing.

Sujet(s)Be-bop & hard-bop


Lien : https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=1059869&A=33765&W=300&F=1.jpg

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CDEn rayonMARCIAC5241810071Musique1.34 WAS


Source : Wikipédia
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  • https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/home/songex/0/869/1059869/1059869_1_1_x.mp3
  • Can you hear him
  • Hub-tones
  • Connections
  • Tiffakonkae
  • The invincible youth
  • Testify
  • One of one
  • The space travelers lullaby
  • Vi lua vi sol
  • Street fighter mas
  • Song for the fallen
  • Journey
  • The psalmnist
  • Show us the way
  • Will you sing

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