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The cinema of Quincy Jones

The cinema of Quincy Jones

Auteur(s)Jones, Quincy (1933-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Ross, Diana (1944-...) (Chanteur) ;Vaughan, Sarah (1924-1990) (Chanteur) ;Preston, Billy (1946-2006) (Chanteur) ;Cosby, Bill (Chanteur)

Titre(s)The cinema of Quincy Jones [enr. sonore] / Quincy Jones.

Editeur(s)Universal Music France S.a, 2016.

ContientThème from the pawnbroker. - Main title : The pawnbroker. - Harlem drive. - The naked truth. - Otez's night off. - Thème from the pawnbroker. - How come, you people. - Rack 'em up. - Death scene. - End title. - Thème from the pawnbroker. - Preludium : main title part II. - Main thème : main title part I. - Threadbare : main title part III. - Aftermath. - Fox's sugar. - Funny farm. - Thème for inga. - Psychosis. - No place to go. - Big sir. - Mirage. - Boobie baby. - Shoot to kill. - Dead duck. - Purple prose. - Main title. - Mirage. - Turtle's last lap. - A shot in the park. - Kinda scary. - End title. - Who needs forever ?. - Dieter's first mistake. - Main thème : The deadly affair. - Medley : postcard signed "s" : mendel tails Elsa : tickets to "s". - Main thème : The deadly affair. - Don't fly if it's foggy. - Blondie-tails. - Main thème : The deadly affair. - Ridiculous scene. - Body on elevator. - Bobb's at gunpoint. - End title. - In the heat of the night. - Peep-freak patrol car. - Cotton curtain. - Where whitey ain't around. - Whipping boy. - No you won't. - Nitty gritty time. - It sure is groovy !. - Bowlegged Polly. - Shag bag, hounds & Harvey. - Chief's drive to mayor. - Give me until morning. - On your feet, boy !. - Blood & roots. - Mama caleba's blues. - Foul owl. - In cold blood. - Clutter family thème. - Hangin' paper. - Down clutter's lane. - Seduction. - Perry's thème. - Lonely bottles. - No witnesses. - I'll have to kill you. - Nina. - Murder scene. - The corner. - Happy feet. - Stay with me. - Copy cat. - Happy feet. - Papa san. - Abso-bleedin'-lutely. - Stay with me. - One more time. - 20th century drawers. - Locked out. - Happy feet. - Rabelasian rutland. - One more time. - On days like these. - Something's cookin'. - Hello Mrs. Beckerman !. - Britannia and Mr. Bridger ; If you please. - Trouble for Charlie. - On days like these. - It's caper time. - Meanwhile, back in the mafia. - Smell that gold !. - Greensleeves and all that jazz. - On days like these. - Getta bloomin' move on !. - The lost man. - Sweet soul sister. - Slum creeper. - Rap, run it on down. - He says he loves me. - Main squeeze. - Try, try, try. - Need to be needed. - Up against the wall. - He'll wash you whiter than snow. - End title. - Maybe tomorrow. - Bump in the night. - Main title. - Silent movies. - Maybe tomorrow. - Lost in space. - Maybe tomorrow. - Love thème from 'the getaway'. - Soul bossa nova. - Call me mister tibbs !. - The time for love is anytime. - Thème from 'the Anderson tapes'. - The out of towners. - The split. - It's just a game, love. - Funny money, end title card. - Is this what feeling gets ?. - Ironside. - Eyes of love. - Hikky burr. - The spell you spin. - 'Sanford & son thème'. - Miss celie's blues. - Money is. - Many rains ago. - The q cinema suite.

RésuméPour la première fois, voici réunies les grandes partitions de cinéma de Quincy Jones, remasterisées en version intégrale. Il a fallu mener un long jeu de pistes pour retrouver et restaurer les bandes masters concernées, pour reconstituer le puzzle d'un fragment de vie entièrement voué à l'écriture pour l'image. "J'ai voulu écrire des musiques de films dès l'âge de quatorze ans " affirme Quincy. Ce rêve est devenu réalité dix-huit ans plus tard, en 1965, avec The Pawnbroker de Sidney Lumet". Le cinéma de Quincy Jones, ce sont sept années d'une grande intensité, une parenthèse enchantée (1965-1972) prolongée par The Wiz, film de sa rencontre avec Michael Jackson, et surtout La Couleur pourpre de Steven Spielberg. L'étape cinéma va être décisive dans la reconnaissance de son talent : jusqu'alors auréolé d'une réputation d'arrangeur virtuose, c'est Hollywood qui va installer et confirmer Quincy Jones en tant que compositeur. Pour Quincy Jones, écrire pour le cinéma, c'est aussi faire la synthèse de ses différentes cultures : be bop, soul, rhythm and blues, dodécaphonisme, bossa. Objectivement, le territoire cinématographique de Quincy Jones est bien plus vaste qu'on ne l'imagine a priori. A sa manière, cette luxuriante anthologie cherche à en dresser la carte. CD 1 : The pawnbroker ; Le prêteur sur gages ; The slender thread ; Trente minutes de sursis, CD 2 : Mirage, The deadly affair ; M.15 demande protection, CD 3 : In the heat of the night ; Dans la chaleur de la nuit ; Truman Capote's in cold blood ; De sang froid, CD 4 : Walk don't run ; Rien ne sert de courir ; The italian job ; L'or se barre, CD 5 : The lost man ; L'homme perdu ; John and Mary ; The getaway ; Guet-apens, CD 6 : Q's highlights ; Morceaux choisis. .

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)

Indice(s)6.11 ; 6.22

Lien : http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=1005360&A=26256&W=300&F=1.jpg;https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201611/0600753732960_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMD325233060071Musique6.1 JON
CDEn rayonVIC-FEZENSAC00462000101149Musique6.2 JON


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  • http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/home/songex/0/360/1005360/1005360_1_1_x.mp3
  • Main title : The pawnbroker
  • Harlem drive
  • The naked truth
  • Otez's night off
  • Thème from the pawnbroker
  • How come, you people
  • Rack 'em up
  • Death scene
  • End title
  • Thème from the pawnbroker
  • Preludium : main title part II
  • Main thème : main title part I
  • Threadbare : main title part III
  • Aftermath
  • Fox's sugar
  • Funny farm
  • Thème for inga
  • Psychosis
  • No place to go
  • Big sir
  • Mirage
  • Boobie baby
  • Shoot to kill
  • Dead duck
  • Purple prose
  • Main title
  • Mirage
  • Turtle's last lap
  • A shot in the park
  • Kinda scary
  • End title
  • Who needs forever ?
  • Dieter's first mistake
  • Main thème : The deadly affair
  • Medley : postcard signed "s" : mendel tails Elsa : tickets to "s"
  • Main thème : The deadly affair
  • Don't fly if it's foggy
  • Blondie-tails
  • Main thème : The deadly affair
  • Ridiculous scene
  • Body on elevator
  • Bobb's at gunpoint
  • End title
  • In the heat of the night
  • Peep-freak patrol car
  • Cotton curtain
  • Where whitey ain't around
  • Whipping boy
  • No you won't
  • Nitty gritty time
  • It sure is groovy !
  • Bowlegged Polly
  • Shag bag, hounds & Harvey
  • Chief's drive to mayor
  • Give me until morning
  • On your feet, boy !
  • Blood & roots
  • Mama caleba's blues
  • Foul owl
  • In cold blood
  • Clutter family thème
  • Hangin' paper
  • Down clutter's lane
  • Seduction
  • Perry's thème
  • Lonely bottles
  • No witnesses
  • I'll have to kill you
  • Nina
  • Murder scene
  • The corner
  • Happy feet
  • Stay with me
  • Copy cat
  • Happy feet
  • Papa san
  • Abso-bleedin'-lutely
  • Stay with me
  • One more time
  • 20th century drawers
  • Locked out
  • Happy feet
  • Rabelasian rutland
  • One more time
  • On days like these
  • Something's cookin'
  • Hello Mrs. Beckerman !
  • Britannia and Mr. Bridger ; If you please
  • Trouble for Charlie
  • On days like these
  • It's caper time
  • Meanwhile, back in the mafia
  • Smell that gold !
  • Greensleeves and all that jazz
  • On days like these
  • Getta bloomin' move on !
  • The lost man
  • Sweet soul sister
  • Slum creeper
  • Rap, run it on down
  • He says he loves me
  • Main squeeze
  • Try, try, try
  • Need to be needed
  • Up against the wall
  • He'll wash you whiter than snow
  • End title
  • Maybe tomorrow
  • Bump in the night
  • Main title
  • Silent movies
  • Maybe tomorrow
  • Lost in space
  • Maybe tomorrow
  • Love thème from 'the getaway'
  • Soul bossa nova
  • Call me mister tibbs !
  • The time for love is anytime
  • Thème from 'the Anderson tapes'
  • The out of towners
  • The split
  • It's just a game, love
  • Funny money, end title card
  • Is this what feeling gets ?
  • Ironside
  • Eyes of love
  • Hikky burr
  • The spell you spin
  • 'Sanford & son thème'
  • Miss celie's blues
  • Money is
  • Many rains ago
  • The q cinema suite
  • http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/home/songex/0/360/1005360/1005360_1_1_x.mp3
  • Main title : The pawnbroker
  • Harlem drive
  • The naked truth
  • Otez's night off
  • Thème from the pawnbroker
  • How come, you people
  • Rack 'em up
  • Death scene
  • End title
  • Thème from the pawnbroker
  • Preludium : main title part II
  • Main thème : main title part I
  • Threadbare : main title part III
  • Aftermath
  • Fox's sugar
  • Funny farm
  • Thème for inga
  • Psychosis
  • No place to go
  • Big sir
  • Mirage
  • Boobie baby
  • Shoot to kill
  • Dead duck
  • Purple prose
  • Main title
  • Mirage
  • Turtle's last lap
  • A shot in the park
  • Kinda scary
  • End title
  • Who needs forever ?
  • Dieter's first mistake
  • Main thème : The deadly affair
  • Medley : postcard signed "s" : mendel tails Elsa : tickets to "s"
  • Main thème : The deadly affair
  • Don't fly if it's foggy
  • Blondie-tails
  • Main thème : The deadly affair
  • Ridiculous scene
  • Body on elevator
  • Bobb's at gunpoint
  • End title
  • In the heat of the night
  • Peep-freak patrol car
  • Cotton curtain
  • Where whitey ain't around
  • Whipping boy
  • No you won't
  • Nitty gritty time
  • It sure is groovy !
  • Bowlegged Polly
  • Shag bag, hounds & Harvey
  • Chief's drive to mayor
  • Give me until morning
  • On your feet, boy !
  • Blood & roots
  • Mama caleba's blues
  • Foul owl
  • In cold blood
  • Clutter family thème
  • Hangin' paper
  • Down clutter's lane
  • Seduction
  • Perry's thème
  • Lonely bottles
  • No witnesses
  • I'll have to kill you
  • Nina
  • Murder scene
  • The corner
  • Happy feet
  • Stay with me
  • Copy cat
  • Happy feet
  • Papa san
  • Abso-bleedin'-lutely
  • Stay with me
  • One more time
  • 20th century drawers
  • Locked out
  • Happy feet
  • Rabelasian rutland
  • One more time
  • On days like these
  • Something's cookin'
  • Hello Mrs. Beckerman !
  • Britannia and Mr. Bridger ; If you please
  • Trouble for Charlie
  • On days like these
  • It's caper time
  • Meanwhile, back in the mafia
  • Smell that gold !
  • Greensleeves and all that jazz
  • On days like these
  • Getta bloomin' move on !
  • The lost man
  • Sweet soul sister
  • Slum creeper
  • Rap, run it on down
  • He says he loves me
  • Main squeeze
  • Try, try, try
  • Need to be needed
  • Up against the wall
  • He'll wash you whiter than snow
  • End title
  • Maybe tomorrow
  • Bump in the night
  • Main title
  • Silent movies
  • Maybe tomorrow
  • Lost in space
  • Maybe tomorrow
  • Love thème from 'the getaway'
  • Soul bossa nova
  • Call me mister tibbs !
  • The time for love is anytime
  • Thème from 'the Anderson tapes'
  • The out of towners
  • The split
  • It's just a game, love
  • Funny money, end title card
  • Is this what feeling gets ?
  • Ironside
  • Eyes of love
  • Hikky burr
  • The spell you spin
  • 'Sanford & son thème'
  • Miss celie's blues
  • Money is
  • Many rains ago
  • The q cinema suite



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