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The promise: the making of darkness on the edge of town

Auteur(s)Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...) (Auteurs/Compositeurs) ;Zimny, Thom

Titre(s)The promise: the making of darkness on the edge of town / Bruce Springsteen ; Thom Zimny, réal.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Columbia, 2011.

ContientA commitment to life. - Two clouds. - The sound picture. - The process. - Notebook. - Pop Songs. - Varying opinions. - Adult music. - Makin an Album. - Vision of now. - Sense of possibolities. - Credits. - Bonus Features: Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Songs from 'The Promise':Racing in the street ('78). - Gotta get that feeling. - Ain't good enough for you. - The promise. - Blue Christmas. - Bruce Springsteen: A Conversation with his Fans.

NotesPrêt + consultation. - Langue(s) parlée(s) : eng. - Format(s) Vidéo(s) : 1.33.

Sujet(s)Rock : DVD


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DVD / Blu-RayEn rayonMD328017710071MusiqueVM 2.3 SPR


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