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She was a boy

Auteur(s)Naim, Yael (1978-...) ;Donatien, David

Titre(s)She was a boy [CD] / Yaël Naïm.

Editeur(s)Paris : Wagram Music, 2010.

ContientCome home. - My dreams. - She was a boy. - Go to the river. - Never change. - I try hard. - Today. - Mystical love. - Man of another woman. - Puppet. - Stupid goal. - If I lost the best thing. - Game is over. - Come home. - My dreams. - She was a boy. - Go to the river. - Never change. - I try hard. - Today. - Mystical love. - Man of another woman. - Puppet. - Stupid goal. - If I lost the best thing. - Game is over.

Résumé''She was a boy'' marque le retour de Yaël Naïm trois ans après son 1er album éponyme. Il contient 12 chansons entièrement composées en anglais.

Sujet(s)Variétés internationales


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMDC50162312 NAI 20


Source : Wikipédia
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