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Complete Clapton

Auteur(s)Clapton, Eric (1945-...)

Titre(s)Complete Clapton / Eric Clapton.

Editeur(s)Universal, 2012.

ContientI feel free. - Sunshine of your love. - White room. - Crossroads. - Badge. - Presence of the lord. - After midnight. - Let it rain. - Bell bottom blues. - Layla. - Let it grow. - I shot the sheriff. - Knockin' on heaven's door. - Hello old friend. - Cocaine. - Lay down sally. - Wonderful tonight. - Promises. - I can't stand it. - I've got a rock 'n' roll heart. - She's wainting. - Forever man. - It's in the way that you use it. - Miss you. - Pretending. - Bad love. - Tears in heaven. - Layla (unplugged). - Running on faith (unplugged). - Motherless chikd. - Change the world. - My father's eyes. - Riding with the king. - Sweet home chicago. - If i had possession over judgement day. - Ride the river.

Sujet(s)Musique de variétés


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000134971Musique2.1 CLA


Source : Wikipédia
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