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The art of the trio 1996-2001

Auteur(s)Grenadier, Larry ;Rossy, Jorge ;Mehldau, Brad

Titre(s)The art of the trio 1996-2001 [Enregistrement sonore] / Larry Grenadier ; Jorge Rossy ; Brad Mehldau.

Editeur(s)Nonesuch variete, 2011.

ContientBlame it on my youth. - I didn't know what time it was. - Ron's place. - Blackbird. - Lament for linus. - Mignon's song. - I fall in love too easily. - Lucid. - Nobody else but me. - It's all right with me. - Young and foolish. - Monk's dream. - The way you look tonight. - Moon river. - Countdown. - Song song. - Unrequited. - Bewitched, bothered and bewildered. - Exit music (for a film). - At a loss. - Convalescent. - For all we know. - River man. - Young at heart. - Sehnsucht. - All the things you are. - Sehnsucht. - Nice pass. - Solar. - London blues. - I'll be seeing you. - Exit music (for a film). - The more i see you. - Dream's monk. - The folks who love on the hill. - Alone together. - It might as well be spring. - Cry me a river. - River man. - Quit. - Secret love. - Sublation. - Resignation. - Long ago and far away. - How long has this been going on ?. - London blues. - Unrequited. - Ron's place. - In the wee small hours of the morning. - Lament for linus.



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