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Our kind of traitor

Auteur(s)Le Carré, John (1931-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)Our kind of traitor / John Le Carré.

Editeur(s)London : Viking, 2010.

RésuméBritain is in the depths of recession.A left-leaning young Oxford academic and his barrister girlfriend take an off-peak holiday on the Caribbean island of Antigua.By seeming chance they bump into a Russian millionaire called Dima who owns a peninsula and a diamond-encrusted gold watch.He also has a tattoo on his right thumb, and wants a game of tennis. What else he wants propels the young lovers on a tortuous journey through Paris to a safe house in the Swiss Alps, to the murkiest cloisters of the City of London and its unholy alliance with Britain's Intelligence Establishment.

Traduit de : Un traître à notre goût.

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