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Bob Dylan

Auteur(s)Pablo (Dessinateur) (Auteur) ;Dylan, Bob (1941-...)

Titre(s)Bob Dylan / Pablo, scénario et dessins ; préface Philippe Manoeuvre.

Editeur(s)Editions BD MUSIC ; Garches (Hauts-de-Seine).

Collection(s)(Bd folk).

ContientYou're no good. - Talkin'New York. - In my time of dyin'. - Man of constant sorrow. - Fixin' to die. - Pretty peggy-o. - Highway 51 blues. - Gospel plow. - Baby, let me follow you down. - House of the risin'sun. - Freight train blues. - Song to woody. - See that my grave is kept clean. - Mixed-up confusion. - Introduction. - Poor lazarus. - Meanold southern railroad. - Blowin'in the wind. - Girl from the north country. - Masters of war. - Down the highway. - Bob Dylan's blues. - A hard rain's a-gonna fall. - Don't think twice, it's all right. - Bob Dylan's dream. - Oxford town. - Talkin'world war III blues. - Corrina, corrina. - Honey, just allow me one more chance. - I shall be free. - Fixin' to die. - Smokestack lightnin'. - Hard travellin'. - The death of Emmett Till. - Standing on the highway. - Baby please don't go.

Sujet(s)Rock ** Folk-rock


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Livre CD - DVDEn rayonLOMBEZ5217180071Musique2.3 PAB


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