Echoes of spring


Auteur(s)Oliva, Stephan (1959-...) ;Raulin, François ;Dehors, Laurent ;Monniot, Christophe ;Sharrock, Linda ;Boisseau, Sébastien

Titre(s)Echoes of spring / Stephan Oliva.

Editeur(s)Discograph, P 2006.

ContientCarolina shout. - morning air. - aunt Hagar's blues. - the second protrait of the lion. - poqrtrait of the duke. - echoes of spring. - kitten on the keys. - ain't misbehavin. - child of a disordered brain. - zig zag. - in the dark. - flashes. - in a mist. - boogie woogie on St Louis blues. - Tonk. - fast and furious.

Sujet(s)Piano : Jazz : Phonogramme


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