Hard times


Auteur(s)Thomas, James Son

Titre(s)Hard times / James Son Thomas.

Editeur(s)Black and Blue, P 2000.

Contientgood morning school girl. - sugar Mam Blues. - tollin' and tumblin'. - Neslon street blues. - standing at the crossroads. - bulble bee. - hard times. - Big Fat Mama. - two trains running. - whiskey headed woman. - bottle it up and go. - Ethel Mae. - forty four miles. - crawlin' king snake. - beefsteak blues. - Mam talk to your daughter. - it hurts me too. - Cairo blues. - steel guitar rag.

Sujet(s)Blues : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325098370071Musique1.1 THO


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