Fingerpaintings. The Music of Herbie Hancock


Auteur(s)McBride, Christian ;Payton, Nicholas ;Whitfield, Mark

Titre(s)Fingerpaintings. The Music of Herbie Hancock / C.McBride ; N.payton, M.Whitfield.

Editeur(s)Polygram, P 1997.

ContientSuite Herbie I: Fingerpainting. - driftin'. - chameleon. - tell me a bedtime story. - the eye of the Hurricane. - the kiss. - speak like a child. - Suite Herbie II : The sorcerer. - Dolphin dance. - chan's song. - one finger snap. - sly. - oliloqui valley. - Jane's theme.

Sujet(s)Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325069510071Musique1.3 MAC


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