Paradisian blue


Auteur(s)Legrand, Michel (1932-2019) ;Michel Legrand Trio ;Le Bevillon, Mark Michel ;Ceccarelli, André (1946-...)

Titre(s)Paradisian blue / Michel Legrand Trio.

Editeur(s)Alfa music, P 1991.

Contientwhat are you doing the rest of your life. - the summer of. - you must believe in spring. - once upon a summertime. - golden sun. - ask yourself why. - brians song. - his eyes, her eyes. - I was born in love with you. - I will wait for you. - after the rain. - Paradisian blue. - I will say goodbye.

Sujet(s)Quartet : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325026430071Musique1 LEG


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