Shake your boogie


Auteur(s)Williams, Big Joe

Titre(s)Shake your boogie / Big Joe Williams.

Editeur(s)Arthoolie, C&P 1990.

ContientSloppy drunk blues. - Yo yo blues. - President Roosevelt. - Forty four blues. - Greystone blues. - I want my crown. - Mean step father. - Brother James. - Shake your boogie. - Vitamin A blues. - She left me a mule to ride. - So glad. - Louisiana Bound. - Killing floor blues. - Throw the boogie woogie. - Dirt road blues. - Montreal blues. - Take me out of the bottom. - Thinking of what they did to me. - The death of Mr. Martin Luther King. - Army man in Vietnam. - Creole queen. - Remember way back. - King Jesus.

Sujet(s)Blues : Soul : Phonogramme Guitare : Blues : Phonogramme


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