Live in New York City


Auteur(s)Abercrombie, John (Guitare électrique) ;Erskine, Peter (Batterie) ;Mintzer, Bob ;Patitucci, John (Contrebasse) (Guitare basse) ;The Hudson Project

Titre(s)Live in New York City : a concert - Clinic / The Abercrombie / Erskine / Mintzer / Patitucci Band.

Editeur(s)Hudson Music Llc, 1999.

ContientOpening. - Runferyrlife. - Labor day. - Peter Erskine introduction. - Little swing. - Rob Mintzer speaks. - Cats and kittens. - Peter Erskine speaks. - The well. - John Abercrombie speaks. - Bass desires. - John Patitucci speaks. - Question & answer. - That's for sure. - Modern day tuba.

NotesCouleurs. Langue : anglais. Toutes zones.


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DVD / Blu-RayEn rayonMGA5018062Film fiction1 ABE 90


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