Overnight sensational


Auteur(s)Moore, Sam ;Preston, Billy ;Bland, Michael (Batterie) ;Springsteen, Bruce (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Thompson, Michael (Guitare) ;Finnigan, Mike ;Phillinganes, Greg (Claviers) ;Colaiuta, Vinnie (Batterie) ;Fantasia ;Jackson, Randy (Guitare basse) ;Bongiovi, John ;Winwood, Steve ;Grant, Gary (Trompette) ;Hey, Jerry (Trompette) ;Higgins, Dan (Saxophones) (Saxophones) ;Sting ;E, Sheila (Percussions) ;Carey, Mariah ;Gill, Vince ;Bramlett, Bekka ;Van Hunt ;Costa, Nikka ;Gibbons, Billy (Guitare électrique) ;Tritt, Travis ;Randolph, Robert (Guitare) ;Rodgers, Paul

Titre(s)Overnight sensational / Sam Moore.

Editeur(s)Warner Bros. Records, 2006.

ContientI can't stand the rain / Preston Billy. - Better to have and not need / Springsteen Bruce / Thompson Michael. - Blame it on the rain / Fantasia / Thompson Michael. - Lookin' for a love / Bon Jovi. - Ain't no love / Winwood Steve / Thompson Michael. - None of us are free / Sting / E. Sheila. - Don't play that song (You lied) / Bramlett Bekka / Thompson Michael. - If I had no loot / Costa Nikka / Van Hunt. - Riding thumb / Tritt Travis / Randolph Robert. - We shall be free / Rodgers Paul. - You are so beautiful / Preston Billy / Zucchero.


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