Back in the day : the best of Bootsy


Auteur(s)Collins, Bootsy (Guitare basse) ;Gardner, Rick (Trompette) ;Griffith, Richard (Trompette) ;Wesley, Fred (Trombone) ;Parker, Maceo (Saxophones) ;Johnson, Joel "Razor Sharp" (Claviers) ;Collins, Phelps "Catfish" (Guitare) ;Waddy, Frankie "Kash" (Batterie) ;Worrell, Bernie (Claviers) (Pianos) (Synthétiseur) ;Shider, Gary (Guitare) ;Hampton, Michael (1956 -) (Guitare) (Guitare) ;Cooper, Gary Mudbone (Percussions) (Batterie) ;Johnson, Robert Peanut ;Mosson, Cordell Boogie (Batterie) ;Gunnels, Clayton Chicken (Trompette)

Titre(s)Back in the day : the best of Bootsy / Collins Bootsy.

Editeur(s)Warner Bros. Records, 1994.

ContientVanish in our sleep. - What so never the dance. - Psychotichumpschool "live". - Ahh...The name is Bootsy, Baby. - Stretchin' out (In a rubber band). - I'd rather be with you. - Bootzilla. - Can't stay away. - Jam fan (Hot). - Mug push. - Body slam !. - Scenery.

Sujet(s)Funk (musique)


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